msckf vio cpp paper blog
  • msckf(共5篇)
  • Process noise in covariance propagation for MSCKF
    xVIO notes
    OpenVINS feature triangulation
    OpenVINS simulation feature measurements
    OpenVINS simulation point generation
  • vio(共8篇)
  • VIO from scratch initialization
    VIO from scratch front end
    VIO from scratch sliding window coding
    VIO from scratch solver
    VIO from scratch sliding window theory
    VIO from scratch IMU preintegration 2
    VIO from scratch IMU preintegration 1
    VIO from scratch IMU
  • cpp(共39篇)
  • Modern C++ 30 lectures -- unit test
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- logging
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- linear algebra
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- coroutines
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- concurrency
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- boost
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- template and tuple
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- functional programming
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- function object and lambda
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- template substitution failure
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- constexpr
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- compilation template
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- polymorphism template
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- return object
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- literal, assert, final
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- auto
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- simple container
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- iterator
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- exception
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- associative container
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- smart pointer
    Modern C++ 30 lectures -- rvalue and move
    Morden C++ 30 lectures -- heap and stack
    Modern C++ notes - design pattern
    Modern C++ notes - bookstore project
    Modern C++ notes - serialization
    Modern C++ notes - profiling
    Modern C++ notes - concurrency
    Modern C++ notes - container
    Modern C++ notes - algorithm
    Modern C++ notes - string
    Modern C++ notes - lambda
    Modern C++ notes - exception
    Modern C++ notes - smart pointer
    Modern C++ notes - const, volatile, mutable
    Modern C++ notes - macro
    Modern C++ notes - auto and decltype
    Modern C++ notes - Class
    Modern C++ notes - build environment
  • paper(共9篇)
  • Deep-SLAM++ Object-level RGBD SLAM based on class-specific deep shape priors
    Probabilistic Structure from Motion with Objects (PSfMO)
    Online extrinsics calibration in VINS
    Improving Visual-Inertial Navigation Using Stationary Environmental Magnetic Disturbances
    First-Estimate Jacobian Estimators
    Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter
    Fusion-Aware Point Convolution for Online Semantic 3D Scene Segmentation
    Robust inference for visual-inertial sensor fusion
    Semantic Shape Manipulation using a Two-Level Representation
  • blog(共5篇)
  • Lie theory for robotics
    Derivations for Prop. 4, 5 in OrcVIO
    Using UAV to map landmarks at UCSD