On macOS, we need to follow these steps to make a video for paper submission:
- use keynote to make slides and animations
- keynote has a record slide play function, it also can show notes
- after exporting the video, drag it to keynote again to change aspect ratio to widescreen
- use
to compress the video to within 20MB, frame rate > 20 - use
ffmpeg -i video_name
to check frame rate
For Ubuntu, we can use RecordMyDesktop
to record screen. Its output format is ogv, which
can be coverted to avi via ffmpeg
as in here
ffmpeg -i input.ogv output.avi
- we can also convert .gif to video on ubuntu by
ffmpeg -i sem_track_images.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" video.mp4
- we can concert .gif to .png by
convert animated.gif output.png